Medical community representatives discussed opportunities of additive technologies in medicine
Within the Russian Health Care Week 2020 programme of online events, the 2nd Conference on Additive Technologies in Health Care: International and National Experience, organised by Z-axis OOO together with EXPOCENTRE AO, was held.
The conference was attended by representatives of the leading manufacturers of 3D printing equipment. The conference was moderated by Z-axis General Director Sergey Kulakov.
The event was opened by BEGO representative Maxim Lobanov. In his speech he spoke about the possibilities of the company's equipment for dentistry, in particular, for printing crowns on a 3D printer. "Compact 3D printers are designed for use in dentistry," said the speaker. “Among the key advantages of products manufactured by such printers (compared to crowns made of classical materials) are best-in-class aesthetics, highly competitive mechanical characteristics, efficient production process and low unit cost".
The next presentation focused on the new method of replacing tissue defects. Yusef Khesuani, Managing Partner of 3D Bioprinting solutions, spoke about the possibilities of bio-printing. 3D Bio-printing solutions laboratory was established in Moscow in 2013, and already in 2018 experiments on bio-fabrication in space on board the ISS were carried out using a new printer Organ Avt.
"Bio-printing is the automated layer-by-layer formation of three-dimensional tissue and organ structures using a robotic system using live cells as printing material," said Youssef Khesuani. “And this process requires special equipment, bio-printers, which feed bio ink and bio paper with a high degree of precision based on a given three-dimensional model”.
The speaker gave a detailed description of the stages of 3D bio-printing technology and the specifics of using special robotic manipulators, which allow printing not only on horizontal surfaces, but also fill in irregularly shaped fabric defects at the right angle. Of particular interest were the videos that demonstrated bio-printing on animals using a robotic hand.
Yana Chekryzhova, Head of CML AT Medical, told in her speech about how modern design and 3D printing technologies help oncologists. The company that Yana represented specialises in the design of individual and serial medical devices adapted for 3D printing. Since 2018, more than 1000 products have been designed, and more than 200 have been printed and installed. Among the key areas in medicine Jana singled out the design of individual endoprosthesis, anatomical models, fixation systems and surgical instruments.
"As for experience in designing oncological implants," continued Jana, "operations are assessed as successful. At present, the implants show a good level of osseointegration, and patients undergo postoperative rehabilitation.
A series of presentations on innovative developments and possibilities of 3D printing technologies were continued by representatives of POZVONOQ, Z-axis, Mydent24 and other industry experts.
Russian Health Care Week programme of online events:
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO