Вероника Скворцова: «Российская неделя здравоохранения-2019» окажет практическую помощь тысячам специалистов
Russian Minister of Health Care Veronika Skvortsova has sent a welcome address to the participants and organisers of Russian Health Care Week 2019.
The welcome address states that over many years this large-scale event has given a full picture of accomplishments and priorities of the Russian health care and has served as an efficient platform for discussing the current challenges and problems of the medical industry.
Ms. Svortsova says that the unique format of Russian Health Care Week helps to coordinate joint activities and discuss a wide range of issues related to development of the Russian health care and medical industry. This year the main focus will be on the implementation of the Health Care National Project, modernization of the primary health care system, ensuring the accessibility and quality of medical care and export of medical services.
The minister is positive that the Week will provide practical assistance to thousands of medical professionals and contribute to the formulation of specific recommendations for development of the Russian health care system and improvement of medical care for the population of this country.
Press Service, Expocentre AO